We are trunk.
A directing duo made up of Will and Steve.
& a DOP duo/collaborators on docs and scripted narrative.
We make documentaries and commercials based on a fine balance between realism and naturalism. Our work is honest and soulful. Our job is to interpret a story or a feeling and elevate that in a way that moves us. We're inspired by the world; by beauty; by rawness and realness and emotive storytelling.
People often ask us how 'it' (trunk) works. Like most good things, our creative partnership came about organically. We met while living in the Coastal Mountains of British Columbia. Now with over a decade of experience as trunk, we have an instinctive understanding of each other, and our work benefits from always having two creative minds producing it - to challenge each other, to spark imagination and broaden perspective. Whether this is directing or DP’ing.
When DP’ing solo, our works an be found on our respective sites:
We collaborate throughout the process of a production - Steve has the editorial and narrative eye, Will takes the lead on the emotive and visual side.
We enjoy times working as a tiny unit in remote locations as much as the days on set with a large crew and all the challenges that come with that. Experience has taught us that being down to earth is the key to extracting the best out of both our talent and our crew, whatever the scale of the project. If you treat everyone with respect, good shit will happen.
We offset out emissions throught the Gold Standard scheme.
If you dig our style and fancy a chat, please give us a shout.
Muchos love,